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How to start a forex broker – Complete Guide

In the last decade, the forex market has gained great popularity. It is difficult to define all of the factors influencing its rise. However, we can cite some of the main reasons for its growth.

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Stay on guard against money laundering

Anti-money laundering laws require forex brokerages to have in place  adequate internal systems for spotting suspicious activities and reporting it to appropriate authorities.

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A-book B-book and Hybrid Models

Forex OTC market differs from investing in many other financial instruments like for example equities or futures trading because it is possible for the brokerage houses to take the other side of customers’ trades (so trade against them).

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Fixed, Floating or STP – We Compare the Offer Types

Setting up the instrument classes for retail traders is a crucial activity that accompanies brokers throughout their business life. Today we will take a look at three most frequently used offer types: fixed spreads, floating spreads and STP (market).

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Forex license

Forex license – how to choose, and which regulation to consider

Choosing a suitable jurisdiction to establish a Forex broker company, is a key business decision that requires taking many parameters into consideration including a set of regulatory procedures and compliance with domestic, community and international provisions and requirements.

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Why outsource broker technology?

Outsourcing has become a popular and a common practice these days but has been in existence for sometime now. Since the mid-1700s, Industrial revolution griped Europe where there was a high demand for production of goods and outsourcing became the solution for most problems.

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