Version 2.5.0
This document presents information on API communication protocol. The communication protocol of the API uses JSON format.
JSON format used by the server doesn't allow extensions (e.g. comments, other flags). JSON format standardization document is available under the following link:
The connection is performed by clean socket connection. For real trading SSL connection will be used.
The following definitions will be used in this specification document:
- simple type: type, which value is itself: int, int64, string, double, bool;
- j-value (JSON value): any simple type, j-object or j-array;
- j-object (JSON object): a record containing any number of named j-values (pair
); - j-array (JSON array): an array where each element is j-value;
- j-subvalue: j-value which is a component of a j-object.
A j-object can contain zero elements. A j-array can have zero length. The name of j-value can be an empty string.
Encoding of strings is set to UTF-8. In this format the server sends and receives data.
Definition of unix-time:
Unix time, or POSIX time, is a system for describing points in time, defined as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of January 1, 1970.
General data format
Each packet consists of exactly one main, unnamed j-value. The data stream consists of consecutive j–values, with no punctuation.
The main j-value is a j-object containing exactly two j-subvalues which are j-objects. The first j-subobject is named header and consists of at least a field type as a simple type string. This is a packet type. The second j-subobject of the main packet j-object is named data and its content is specific to a given packet type. The specifications for different types of packages are described in the next chapter.
A sample of properly defined packet:
{ "command" : "login", "arguments" : { "userId" : "1000", "password": "PASSWORD" } }
Every single command sent to the API is allowed to contain an optional field called customTag. The API guarantees to return the very same customTag in the command’s response. For example, the following command:
{ "command" : "login", "arguments" : { "userId" : "1000", "password": "PASSWORD" }, "customTag": "my_login_command_id" }
returns (in case of a successful login):
{ "status": true, "customTag": "my_login_command_id" }
Communication with the API
X Open Hub Clients:
There are two addresses (that can be used interchangeably)-
Here are the details of DEMO and REAL servers hosted on each of the addresses above:
- DEMO: main port: 5124, streaming port: 5125,
- REAL: main port: 5112, streaming port: 5113.
Furthermore, WebSockets can be used to connect to the API using the following addresses:
- wss://
- wss://
- wss://
- wss://
All servers use SSL connection.
Communication is established as long as both server and client have opened and connected sockets.
For convenience server guarantees that every separate reply to client command returned by server will be separated by two new line characters ("\n").
Connection validation
In order to provide best service for all users API set rules on connection and data send process. If any of the following rules is breached, then connection is closed immediately without server notification.
List of rules:
- At most 50 simultaneous connections from the same client address are allowed (an attempt to obtain the 51st connection returns the error EX008)..
- Every new connection that fails to deliver data within one second from when it is established may be forced to close with no notification.
- Each command invocation should not contain more than 1kB of data.
- User should send requests in 200 ms intervals. This rule can be broken, but if it happens 6 times in a row the connection is dropped.
- Each command should be a proper JSON object.
If the client sends a request that is a valid JSON object, but does not conform to the published API (incorrect command, missing fields, etc.), the response is sent back with the error description but the connection is not closed.
This rule prevents incorrect messages from reaching further down the processing chain and allows clients to analyze and understand the source of problem.
Default login credentials
Input data format
The input data format is a JSON object that consists of service name and command name. Some commands also require an object of command's arguments.
If optional
field is set to true, an output JSON is printed in human-readable format.prettyPrint
field can be omitted.{ "command": "commandName", "arguments": { "arg1Name": 10, "arg2Name": "Some text", ... }, "prettyPrint": true }
Output data format
The output data format is a JSON object that consists of
fields if command succeeded, orstatus
fields if an error occurred.{ "status": true, "returnData": JSON value }
or, in case of an error:
{ "status": false, "errorCode": "E123", "errorDescr": "Error description" }
Time format
Time is number of milliseconds from 01.01.1970, 00:00 GMT.
Floating number format
In all Floating numbers '.' (period) is used as a decimal separator.
Available commands
Request-Reply commands are performed on main connection socket. The reply is sent by main connection socket.
In order to perform any action client application have to perform login process. No functionality is available before proper login process.
After initial login, a new session is created and all commands are executed for a logged user until he/she logs out or drops the connection.
Name Type Desc userId String userId password String password appId String (optional, deprecated) appName String (optional) application name Example:
{ "command": "login", "arguments": { "userId": "1000", "password": "PASSWORD", "appId": "test", "appName": "test" } }
After successful login the system responds with the
message that can contain the String representingstreamSessionId
field:{ "status": true, "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
field of the string type, if present, is a token that can be used to establish a streaming subscription on a separate network connection.streamSessionId
is used in streaming subscription commands.streamSessionId
is unique for the given main session and will change between login sessions. -
Format of input:
{ "command": "logout" }
field in output. Onlystatus
message is sent. -
Retrieving trading data
Command: getAllSymbols
Description: Returns array of all symbols available for the user.
{ "command": "getAllSymbols" }
name type description array Array of SYMBOL_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [SYMBOL_RECORD, SYMBOL_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:Please be advised that result values for profit and margin calculation can be used optionally, because server is able to perform all profit/margin calculations for Client application by commands described later in this document.
name type description ask Floating number Ask price in base currency bid Floating number Bid price in base currency categoryName String Category name contractSize Number Size of 1 lot currency String Currency currencyPair Boolean Indicates whether the symbol represents a currency pair currencyProfit String The currency of calculated profit description String Description expiration Time Null if not applicable groupName String Symbol group name high Floating number The highest price of the day in base currency initialMargin Number Initial margin for 1 lot order, used for profit/margin calculation instantMaxVolume Number Maximum instant volume multiplied by 100 (in lots) leverage Floating number Symbol leverage longOnly Boolean Long only lotMax Floating number Maximum size of trade lotMin Floating number Minimum size of trade lotStep Floating number A value of minimum step by which the size of trade can be changed (within lotMin
range)low Floating number The lowest price of the day in base currency marginHedged Number Used for profit calculation marginHedgedStrong Boolean For margin calculation marginMaintenance Number For margin calculation, null if not applicable marginMode Number For margin calculation percentage Floating number Percentage pipsPrecision Number Number of symbol's pip decimal places precision Number Number of symbol's price decimal places profitMode Number For profit calculation quoteId Number Source of price shortSelling Boolean Indicates whether short selling is allowed on the instrument spreadRaw Floating number The difference between raw ask and bid prices spreadTable Floating number Spread representation starting Time Null if not applicable stepRuleId Number Appropriate step rule ID from getStepRules
command responsestopsLevel Number Minimal distance (in pips) from the current price where the stopLoss/takeProfit can be set swap_rollover3days Number Time when additional swap is accounted for weekend swapEnable Boolean Indicates whether swap value is added to position on end of day swapLong Floating number Swap value for long positions in pips swapShort Floating number Swap value for short positions in pips swapType Number Type of swap calculated symbol String Symbol name tickSize Floating number Smallest possible price change, used for profit/margin calculation, null if not applicable tickValue Floating number Value of smallest possible price change (in base currency), used for profit/margin calculation, null if not applicable time Time Ask & bid tick time timeString String Time in String trailingEnabled Boolean Indicates whether trailing stop (offset) is applicable to the instrument. type Number Instrument class number Example:
{ "ask": 4000.0, "bid": 4000.0, "categoryName": "Forex", "contractSize": 100000, "currency": "USD", "currencyPair": true, "currencyProfit": "SEK", "description": "USD/PLN", "expiration": null, "groupName": "Minor", "high": 4000.0, "initialMargin": 0, "instantMaxVolume": 0, "leverage": 1.5, "longOnly": false, "lotMax": 10.0, "lotMin": 0.1, "lotStep": 0.1, "low": 3500.0, "marginHedged": 0, "marginHedgedStrong": false, "marginMaintenance": null, "marginMode": 101, "percentage": 100.0, "precision": 2, "profitMode": 5, "quoteId": 1, "shortSelling": true, "spreadRaw": 0.000003, "spreadTable": 0.00042, "starting": null, "stepRuleId": 1, "stopsLevel": 0, "swap_rollover3days": 0, "swapEnable": true, "swapLong": -2.55929, "swapShort": 0.131, "swapType": 0, "symbol": "USDPLN", "tickSize": 1.0, "tickValue": 1.0, "time": 1272446136891, "timeString": "Thu May 23 12:23:44 EDT 2013", "trailingEnabled": true, "type": 21 }
Possible values of
field:name value description fixed 1 fixed float 2 float depth 3 depth cross 4 cross Possible values of
field:name value description Forex 101 Forex CFD leveraged 102 CFD leveraged CFD 103 CFD Possible values of
field:name value description FOREX 5 FOREX CFD 6 CFD Command: getCalendar
Description: Returns calendar with market events.
{ "command": "getCalendar" }
name type description array Array of CALENDAR_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [CALENDAR_RECORD, CALENDAR_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description country String Two letter country code current String Market value (current), empty before time of release of this value (time from "time" record) forecast String Forecasted value impact String Impact on market period String Information period previous String Value from previous information release time Time Time, when the information will be released (in this time empty "current" value should be changed with exact released value) title String Name of the indicator for which values will be released Example:
{ "country": "CA", "current": "", "forecast": "", "impact": "3", "period": "(FEB)", "previous": "58.3", "time": 1374846900000, "title": "Ivey Purchasing Managers Index" }
Possible values of
field:name value description low 1 low medium 2 medium high 3 high Command: getChartLastRequest
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving current candle data. Returns chart info, from start date to the current time. If the chosen period ofCHART_LAST_INFO_RECORD
is greater than 1 minute, the last candle returned by the API can change until the end of the period (the candle is being automatically updated every minute).Limitations: there are limitations in charts data availability. Detailed ranges for charts data, what can be accessed with specific period, are as follows:
PERIOD_M1 --- <0-1) month, i.e. one month time
PERIOD_M30 --- <1-7) month, six months time
PERIOD_H4 --- <7-13) month, six months time
PERIOD_D1 --- 13 month, and earlier onNote, that specific PERIOD_ is the lowest (i.e. the most detailed) period, accessible in listed range. For instance, in months range <1-7) you can access periods: PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1, PERIOD_MN1. Specific data ranges availability is guaranteed, however those ranges may be wider, e.g.: PERIOD_M1 may be accessible for 1.5 months back from now, where 1.0 months is guaranteed.
Example scenario:
- request charts of 5 minutes period, for 3 months time span, back from now;
- response: you are guaranteed to get 1 month of 5 minutes charts; because, 5 minutes period charts are not accessible 2 months and 3 months back from now.
name type description info CHART_LAST_INFO_RECORD info Example:
{ "command": "getChartLastRequest", "arguments": { "info": CHART_LAST_INFO_RECORD } }
Format of
:name type description period Number Period code start Time Start of chart block (rounded down to the nearest interval and excluding) symbol String Symbol Example:
{ "period": 5, "start": 1262944112000, "symbol": "PKN.PL" }
Possible values of
field:name value description PERIOD_M1 1 1 minute PERIOD_M5 5 5 minutes PERIOD_M15 15 15 minutes PERIOD_M30 30 30 minutes PERIOD_H1 60 60 minutes (1 hour) PERIOD_H4 240 240 minutes (4 hours) PERIOD_D1 1440 1440 minutes (1 day) PERIOD_W1 10080 10080 minutes (1 week) PERIOD_MN1 43200 43200 minutes (30 days) Response:
name type description digits Number Number of decimal places rateInfos array Array of RATE_INFO_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "digits": 4, "rateInfos": [RATE_INFO_RECORD, RATE_INFO_RECORD, ...] } }
Format of
:Price values must be divided by 10 to the power of digits in order to obtain exact prices.
name type description close Floating number Value of close price (shift from open price) ctm Time Candle start time in CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) ctmString String String representation of the 'ctm' field high Floating number Highest value in the given period (shift from open price) low Floating number Lowest value in the given period (shift from open price) open Floating number Open price (in base currency * 10 to the power of digits) vol Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close": 1.0, "ctm": 1389362640000, "ctmString": "Jan 10, 2014 3:04:00 PM", "high": 6.0, "low": 0.0, "open": 41848.0, "vol": 0.0 }
Command: getChartRangeRequest
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving current candle data. Returns chart info with data between given start and end dates.Limitations: there are limitations in charts data availability. Detailed ranges for charts data, what can be accessed with specific period, are as follows:
PERIOD_M1 --- <0-1) month, i.e. one month time
PERIOD_M30 --- <1-7) month, six months time
PERIOD_H4 --- <7-13) month, six months time
PERIOD_D1 --- 13 month, and earlier onNote, that specific PERIOD_ is the lowest (i.e. the most detailed) period, accessible in listed range. For instance, in months range <1-7) you can access periods: PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1, PERIOD_MN1. Specific data ranges availability is guaranteed, however those ranges may be wider, e.g.: PERIOD_M1 may be accessible for 1.5 months back from now, where 1.0 months is guaranteed.
name type description info CHART_RANGE_INFO_RECORD info Example:
{ "command": "getChartRangeRequest", "arguments": { "info": CHART_RANGE_INFO_RECORD } }
Format of
:Ticks field - if ticks is not set or value is 0,
works as before (you must send validstart
time fields).
If ticks value is not equal to 0, fieldend
is ignored.
If ticks >0 (e.g. N) then API returns N candles from time start.
If ticks <0 then API returns N candles to time start.
It is possible for API to return fewer chart candles than set in tick type description end Time End of chart block (rounded down to the nearest interval and excluding) period Number Period code start Time Start of chart block (rounded down to the nearest interval and excluding) symbol String Symbol ticks Number Number of ticks needed, this field is optional, please read the description above Example:
{ "end": 1262944412000, "period": 5, "start": 1262944112000, "symbol": "PKN.PL", "ticks": 0 }
Possible values of
field:name value description PERIOD_M1 1 1 minute PERIOD_M5 5 5 minutes PERIOD_M15 15 15 minutes PERIOD_M30 30 30 minutes PERIOD_H1 60 60 minutes (1 hour) PERIOD_H4 240 240 minutes (4 hours) PERIOD_D1 1440 1440 minutes (1 day) PERIOD_W1 10080 10080 minutes (1 week) PERIOD_MN1 43200 43200 minutes (30 days) Response:
name type description digits Number Number of decimal places rateInfos array Array of RATE_INFO_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "digits": 4, "rateInfos": [RATE_INFO_RECORD, RATE_INFO_RECORD, ...] } }
Format of
:Price values must be divided by 10 to the power of digits in order to obtain exact prices.
name type description close Floating number Value of close price (shift from open price) ctm Time Candle start time in CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) ctmString String String representation of the 'ctm' field high Floating number Highest value in the given period (shift from open price) low Floating number Lowest value in the given period (shift from open price) open Floating number Open price (in base currency * 10 to the power of digits) vol Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close": 1.0, "ctm": 1389362640000, "ctmString": "Jan 10, 2014 3:04:00 PM", "high": 6.0, "low": 0.0, "open": 41848.0, "vol": 0.0 }
Command: getCommissionDef
Description: Returns calculation of commission and rate of exchange. The value is calculated as expected value, and therefore might not be perfectly accurate.
name type description symbol String symbol volume Floating number volume Example:
{ "command": "getCommissionDef", "arguments": { "symbol": "T.US", "volume": 1.0 } }
name type description commission Floating number calculated commission in account currency, could be null if not applicable rateOfExchange Floating number rate of exchange between account currency and instrument base currency, could be null if not applicable Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "commission": 0.51, "rateOfExchange": 0.1609 } }
Command: getCurrentUserData
Description: Returns information about account currency, and account leverage.
{ "command": "getCurrentUserData" }
name type description companyUnit Number Unit the account is assigned to. currency String account currency group String group ibAccount Boolean Indicates whether this account is an IB account. leverage Number This field should not be used. It is inactive and its value is always 1. leverageMultiplier Floating number The factor used for margin calculations. The actual value of leverage can be calculated by dividing this value by 100. spreadType String spreadType, null if not applicable trailingStop Boolean Indicates whether this account is enabled to use trailing stop. Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "companyUnit": 8, "currency": "PLN", "group": "demoPLeurSTANDARD200", "ibAccount": false, "leverage": 1, "leverageMultiplier": 0.25, "spreadType": "FLOAT", "trailingStop": false } }
Command: getIbsHistory
Description: Returns IBs data from the given time range.
name type description end Time End of IBs history block start Time Start of IBs history block Example:
{ "command": "getIbsHistory", "arguments": { "end": 1395053810991, "start": 1394449010991 } }
name type description array Array of IB_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [IB_RECORD, IB_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description closePrice Floating number IB close price or null if not allowed to view login String IB user login or null if not allowed to view nominal Floating number IB nominal or null if not allowed to view openPrice Floating number IB open price or null if not allowed to view side Number Operation code or null if not allowed to view surname String IB user surname or null if not allowed to view symbol String Symbol or null if not allowed to view timestamp Time Time the record was created or null if not allowed to view volume Floating number Volume in lots or null if not allowed to view Example:
{ "closePrice": 1.39302, "login": "12345", "nominal": 6.00, "openPrice": 1.39376, "side": 0, "surname": "IB_Client_1", "symbol": "EURUSD", "timestamp": 1395755870000, "volume": 1.0 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell Command: getMarginLevel
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving account indicators. Returns various account indicators.Request:
{ "command": "getMarginLevel" }
name type description balance Floating number balance in account currency credit Floating number credit currency String user currency equity Floating number sum of balance and all profits in account currency margin Floating number margin requirements in account currency margin_free Floating number free margin in account currency margin_level Floating number margin level percentage Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "balance": 995800269.43, "credit": 1000.00, "currency": "PLN", "equity": 995985397.56, "margin": 572634.43, "margin_free": 995227635.00, "margin_level": 173930.41 } }
Command: getMarginTrade
Description: Returns expected margin for given instrument and volume. The value is calculated as expected margin value, and therefore might not be perfectly accurate.
name type description symbol String symbol volume Floating number volume Example:
{ "command": "getMarginTrade", "arguments": { "symbol": "EURPLN", "volume": 1.0 } }
name type description margin Floating number calculated margin in account currency Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "margin": 4399.350 } }
Command: getNews
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving news data. Returns news from trading server which were sent within specified period of time.Request:
name type description end Time Time, 0 means current time for simplicity start Time Time Example:
{ "command": "getNews", "arguments": { "end": 0, "start": 1275993488000 } }
name type description array Array of NEWS_TOPIC_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [NEWS_TOPIC_RECORD, NEWS_TOPIC_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description body String Body bodylen Number Body length key String News key time Time Time timeString String Time string title String News title Example:
{ "body": "<html>...</html>", "bodylen": 110, "key": "1f6da766abd29927aa854823f0105c23", "time": 1262944112000, "timeString": "May 17, 2013 4:30:00 PM", "title": "Breaking trend" }
Command: getProfitCalculation
Description: Calculates estimated profit for given deal data Should be used for calculator-like apps only. Profit for opened transactions should be taken from server, due to higher precision of server calculation.
name type description closePrice Floating number theoretical close price of order cmd Number Operation code openPrice Floating number theoretical open price of order symbol String symbol volume Floating number volume Example:
{ "command": "getProfitCalculation", "arguments": { "closePrice": 1.3000, "cmd": 0, "openPrice": 1.2233, "symbol": "EURPLN", "volume": 1.0 } }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Response:
name type description profit Floating number Profit in account currency Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "profit": 714.303 } }
Command: getServerTime
Description: Returns current time on trading server.
{ "command": "getServerTime" }
name type description time Time Time timeString String Time described in form set on server (local time of server) Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "time": 1392211379731, "timeString": "Feb 12, 2014 2:22:59 PM" } }
Command: getStepRules
Description: Returns a list of step rules for DMAs.
{ "command": "getStepRules" }
name type description array Array of STEP_RULE_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [STEP_RULE_RECORD, STEP_RULE_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description id Number Step rule ID name String Step rule name steps array Array of STEP_RECORD
{ "id": 1, "name": "Forex", "steps": [STEP_RECORD, STEP_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description fromValue Floating number Lower border of the volume range step Floating number lotStep value in the given volume range Example:
{ "fromValue": 0.1, "step": 0.0025 }
Command: getSymbol
Description: Returns information about symbol available for the user.
name type description symbol String symbol Example:
{ "command": "getSymbol", "arguments": { "symbol": "EURPLN" } }
name type description SYMBOL_RECORD SYMBOL_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": SYMBOL_RECORD }
Format of
:Please be advised that result values for profit and margin calculation can be used optionally, because server is able to perform all profit/margin calculations for Client application by commands described later in this document.
name type description ask Floating number Ask price in base currency bid Floating number Bid price in base currency categoryName String Category name contractSize Number Size of 1 lot currency String Currency currencyPair Boolean Indicates whether the symbol represents a currency pair currencyProfit String The currency of calculated profit description String Description expiration Time Null if not applicable groupName String Symbol group name high Floating number The highest price of the day in base currency initialMargin Number Initial margin for 1 lot order, used for profit/margin calculation instantMaxVolume Number Maximum instant volume multiplied by 100 (in lots) leverage Floating number Symbol leverage longOnly Boolean Long only lotMax Floating number Maximum size of trade lotMin Floating number Minimum size of trade lotStep Floating number A value of minimum step by which the size of trade can be changed (within lotMin
range)low Floating number The lowest price of the day in base currency marginHedged Number Used for profit calculation marginHedgedStrong Boolean For margin calculation marginMaintenance Number For margin calculation, null if not applicable marginMode Number For margin calculation percentage Floating number Percentage pipsPrecision Number Number of symbol's pip decimal places precision Number Number of symbol's price decimal places profitMode Number For profit calculation quoteId Number Source of price shortSelling Boolean Indicates whether short selling is allowed on the instrument spreadRaw Floating number The difference between raw ask and bid prices spreadTable Floating number Spread representation starting Time Null if not applicable stepRuleId Number Appropriate step rule ID from getStepRules
command responsestopsLevel Number Minimal distance (in pips) from the current price where the stopLoss/takeProfit can be set swap_rollover3days Number Time when additional swap is accounted for weekend swapEnable Boolean Indicates whether swap value is added to position on end of day swapLong Floating number Swap value for long positions in pips swapShort Floating number Swap value for short positions in pips swapType Number Type of swap calculated symbol String Symbol name tickSize Floating number Smallest possible price change, used for profit/margin calculation, null if not applicable tickValue Floating number Value of smallest possible price change (in base currency), used for profit/margin calculation, null if not applicable time Time Ask & bid tick time timeString String Time in String trailingEnabled Boolean Indicates whether trailing stop (offset) is applicable to the instrument. type Number Instrument class number Example:
{ "ask": 4000.0, "bid": 4000.0, "categoryName": "Forex", "contractSize": 100000, "currency": "USD", "currencyPair": true, "currencyProfit": "SEK", "description": "USD/PLN", "expiration": null, "groupName": "Minor", "high": 4000.0, "initialMargin": 0, "instantMaxVolume": 0, "leverage": 1.5, "longOnly": false, "lotMax": 10.0, "lotMin": 0.1, "lotStep": 0.1, "low": 3500.0, "marginHedged": 0, "marginHedgedStrong": false, "marginMaintenance": null, "marginMode": 101, "percentage": 100.0, "precision": 2, "profitMode": 5, "quoteId": 1, "shortSelling": true, "spreadRaw": 0.000003, "spreadTable": 0.00042, "starting": null, "stepRuleId": 1, "stopsLevel": 0, "swap_rollover3days": 0, "swapEnable": true, "swapLong": -2.55929, "swapShort": 0.131, "swapType": 0, "symbol": "USDPLN", "tickSize": 1.0, "tickValue": 1.0, "time": 1272446136891, "timeString": "Thu May 23 12:23:44 EDT 2013", "trailingEnabled": true, "type": 21 }
Possible values of
field:name value description fixed 1 fixed float 2 float depth 3 depth cross 4 cross Possible values of
field:name value description Forex 101 Forex CFD leveraged 102 CFD leveraged CFD 103 CFD Possible values of
field:name value description FOREX 5 FOREX CFD 6 CFD Command: getTickPrices
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving ticks data. Returns array of current quotations for given symbols, only quotations that changed from given timestamp are returned. New timestamp obtained from output will be used as an argument of the next call of this command.Request:
name type description level Number price level symbols array Array of symbol names (Strings) timestamp Time The time from which the most recent tick should be looked for. Historical prices cannot be obtained using this parameter. It can only be used to verify whether a price has changed since the given time. Example:
{ "command": "getTickPrices", "arguments": { "level": 0, "symbols": ["EURPLN", "AGO.PL", ...], "timestamp": 1262944112000 } }
Possible values of
field:name value description -1 all available levels 0 base level bid and ask price for instrument >0 specified level Response:
name type description quotations array Array of TICK_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "quotations": [TICK_RECORD, TICK_RECORD, ...] } }
Format of
:name type description ask Floating number Ask price in base currency askVolume Number Number of available lots to buy at given price or null if not applicable bid Floating number Bid price in base currency bidVolume Number Number of available lots to buy at given price or null if not applicable high Floating number The highest price of the day in base currency level Number Price level low Floating number The lowest price of the day in base currency spreadRaw Floating number The difference between raw ask and bid prices spreadTable Floating number Spread representation symbol String Symbol timestamp Time Timestamp Example:
{ "ask": 4000.0, "askVolume": 15000, "bid": 4000.0, "bidVolume": 16000, "high": 4000.0, "level": 0, "low": 3500.0, "spreadRaw": 0.000003, "spreadTable": 0.00042, "symbol": "KOMB.CZ", "timestamp": 1272529161605 }
Possible values of
field:name value description -1 all available levels 0 base level bid and ask price for instrument >0 specified level Command: getTradeRecords
Description: Returns array of trades listed in
name type description orders array Array of orders (position numbers) Example:
{ "command": "getTradeRecords", "arguments": { "orders": [7489839, 7489841, ...] } }
name type description array Array of TRADE_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [TRADE_RECORD, TRADE_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
is the operation code, for user's trade operations it equals tocmd
record used as an argument intradeTransaction
commandname type description close_price Floating number Close price in base currency close_time Time Null if order is not closed close_timeString String Null if order is not closed closed Boolean Closed cmd Number Operation code comment String Comment commission Floating number Commission in account currency, null if not applicable customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. digits Number Number of decimal places expiration Time Null if order is not closed expirationString String Null if order is not closed margin_rate Floating number Margin rate offset Number Trailing offset open_price Floating number Open price in base currency open_time Time Open time open_timeString String Open time string order Number Order number for opened transaction order2 Number Order number for closed transaction position Number Order number common both for opened and closed transaction profit Floating number Profit in account currency sl Floating number Zero if stop loss is not set (in base currency) storage Floating number order swaps in account currency symbol String symbol name or null for deposit/withdrawal operations timestamp Time Timestamp tp Floating number Zero if take profit is not set (in base currency) volume Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close_price": 1.3256, "close_time": null, "close_timeString": null, "closed": false, "cmd": 0, "comment": "Web Trader", "commission": 0.0, "customComment": "Some text", "digits": 4, "expiration": null, "expirationString": null, "margin_rate": 0.0, "offset": 0, "open_price": 1.4, "open_time": 1272380927000, "open_timeString": "Fri Jan 11 10:03:36 CET 2013", "order": 7497776, "order2": 1234567, "position": 1234567, "profit": -2196.44, "sl": 0.0, "storage": -4.46, "symbol": "EURUSD", "timestamp": 1272540251000, "tp": 0.0, "volume": 0.10 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Command: getTrades
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving trades data. Returns array of user's trades.Request:
name type description openedOnly boolean if true then only opened trades will be returned Example:
{ "command": "getTrades", "arguments": { "openedOnly": true } }
name type description array Array of TRADE_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [TRADE_RECORD, TRADE_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
is the operation code, for user's trade operations it equals tocmd
record used as an argument intradeTransaction
commandname type description close_price Floating number Close price in base currency close_time Time Null if order is not closed close_timeString String Null if order is not closed closed Boolean Closed cmd Number Operation code comment String Comment commission Floating number Commission in account currency, null if not applicable customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. digits Number Number of decimal places expiration Time Null if order is not closed expirationString String Null if order is not closed margin_rate Floating number Margin rate offset Number Trailing offset open_price Floating number Open price in base currency open_time Time Open time open_timeString String Open time string order Number Order number for opened transaction order2 Number Order number for closed transaction position Number Order number common both for opened and closed transaction profit Floating number Profit in account currency sl Floating number Zero if stop loss is not set (in base currency) storage Floating number order swaps in account currency symbol String symbol name or null for deposit/withdrawal operations timestamp Time Timestamp tp Floating number Zero if take profit is not set (in base currency) volume Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close_price": 1.3256, "close_time": null, "close_timeString": null, "closed": false, "cmd": 0, "comment": "Web Trader", "commission": 0.0, "customComment": "Some text", "digits": 4, "expiration": null, "expirationString": null, "margin_rate": 0.0, "offset": 0, "open_price": 1.4, "open_time": 1272380927000, "open_timeString": "Fri Jan 11 10:03:36 CET 2013", "order": 7497776, "order2": 1234567, "position": 1234567, "profit": -2196.44, "sl": 0.0, "storage": -4.46, "symbol": "EURUSD", "timestamp": 1272540251000, "tp": 0.0, "volume": 0.10 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Command: getTradesHistory
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving trades data. Returns array of user's trades which were closed within specified period of time.Request:
name type description end Time Time, 0 means current time for simplicity start Time Time, 0 means last month interval Example:
{ "command": "getTradesHistory", "arguments": { "end": 0, "start": 1275993488000 } }
name type description array Array of TRADE_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [TRADE_RECORD, TRADE_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
is the operation code, for user's trade operations it equals tocmd
record used as an argument intradeTransaction
commandname type description close_price Floating number Close price in base currency close_time Time Null if order is not closed close_timeString String Null if order is not closed closed Boolean Closed cmd Number Operation code comment String Comment commission Floating number Commission in account currency, null if not applicable customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. digits Number Number of decimal places expiration Time Null if order is not closed expirationString String Null if order is not closed margin_rate Floating number Margin rate offset Number Trailing offset open_price Floating number Open price in base currency open_time Time Open time open_timeString String Open time string order Number Order number for opened transaction order2 Number Order number for closed transaction position Number Order number common both for opened and closed transaction profit Floating number Profit in account currency sl Floating number Zero if stop loss is not set (in base currency) storage Floating number order swaps in account currency symbol String symbol name or null for deposit/withdrawal operations timestamp Time Timestamp tp Floating number Zero if take profit is not set (in base currency) volume Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close_price": 1.3256, "close_time": null, "close_timeString": null, "closed": false, "cmd": 0, "comment": "Web Trader", "commission": 0.0, "customComment": "Some text", "digits": 4, "expiration": null, "expirationString": null, "margin_rate": 0.0, "offset": 0, "open_price": 1.4, "open_time": 1272380927000, "open_timeString": "Fri Jan 11 10:03:36 CET 2013", "order": 7497776, "order2": 1234567, "position": 1234567, "profit": -2196.44, "sl": 0.0, "storage": -4.46, "symbol": "EURUSD", "timestamp": 1272540251000, "tp": 0.0, "volume": 0.10 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Command: getTradingHours
Description: Returns quotes and trading times.
name type description symbols array Array of symbol names (Strings) Example:
{ "command": "getTradingHours", "arguments": { "symbols": ["EURPLN", "AGO.PL", ...] } }
name type description array Array of TRADING_HOURS_RECORD
{ "status": true, "returnData": [TRADING_HOURS_RECORD, TRADING_HOURS_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description quotes array Array of QUOTES_RECORD
symbol String Symbol trading array Array of TRADING_RECORD
{ "quotes": [QUOTES_RECORD, QUOTES_RECORD, ...], "symbol": "USDPLN", "trading": [TRADING_RECORD, TRADING_RECORD, ...] }
Format of
:name type description day Number Day of week fromT Time Start time in ms from 00:00 CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) toT Time End time in ms from 00:00 CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) Example:
{ "day": 2, "fromT": 63000000, "toT": 63300000 }
Possible values of
field:name value description 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday Format of
:name type description day Number Day of week fromT Time Start time in ms from 00:00 CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) toT Time End time in ms from 00:00 CET / CEST time zone (see Daylight Saving Time, DST) Example:
{ "day": 2, "fromT": 63000000, "toT": 63300000 }
Possible values of
field:name value description 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday Command: getVersion
Description: Returns the current API version.
{ "command": "getVersion" }
name type description version String current API version Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "version": "2.4.15" } }
Command: ping
Description: Regularly calling this function is enough to refresh the internal state of all the components in the system. It is recommended that any application that does not execute other commands, should call this command at least once every 10 minutes. Please note that the streaming counterpart of this function is combination of
{ "command": "ping" }
{ "status": true }
Command: tradeTransaction
Description: Starts trade transaction. tradeTransaction sends main transaction information to the server.
How to verify that the trade request was accepted?
field set to 'true' does not imply that the transaction was accepted. It only means, that the server acquired your request and began to process it. To analyse the status of the transaction (for example to verify if it was accepted or rejected) use thetradeTransactionStatus
command with theorder
number, that came back with the response of thetradeTransaction
command. You can find the example here: hereRequest:
name type description tradeTransInfo TRADE_TRANS_INFO tradeTransInfo Example:
{ "command": "tradeTransaction", "arguments": { "tradeTransInfo": TRADE_TRANS_INFO } }
Format of
:name type description cmd Number Operation code customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. expiration Time Pending order expiration time offset Number Trailing offset order Number 0 or position number for closing/modifications price Floating number Trade price sl Floating number Stop loss symbol String Trade symbol tp Floating number Take profit type Number Trade transaction type volume Floating number Trade volume Example:
{ "cmd": 2, "customComment": "Some text", "expiration": 1462006335000, "offset": 0, "order": 82188055, "price": 1.12, "sl": 0.0, "symbol": "EURUSD", "tp": 0.0, "type": 0, "volume": 5.0 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Possible values of
field:name value description OPEN 0 order open, used for opening orders PENDING 1 order pending, only used in the streaming getTrades
commandCLOSE 2 order close MODIFY 3 order modify, only used in the tradeTransaction
commandDELETE 4 order delete, only used in the tradeTransaction
name type description order Number order Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "order": 43 } }
Command: tradeTransactionStatus
Description: Please note that this function can be usually replaced by its streaming equivalent
which is the preferred way of retrieving transaction status data. Returns current transaction status. At any time of transaction processing client might check the status of transaction on server side. In order to do that client must provide unique order taken fromtradeTransaction
name type description order Number order Example:
{ "command": "tradeTransactionStatus", "arguments": { "order": 43 } }
name type description ask Floating number Price in base currency bid Floating number Price in base currency customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. message String Can be null order Number Unique order number requestStatus Number Request status code, described below Example:
{ "status": true, "returnData": { "ask": 1.392, "bid": 1.392, "customComment": "Some text", "message": null, "order": 43, "requestStatus": 3 } }
Possible values of
field:name value description ERROR 0 error PENDING 1 pending ACCEPTED 3 The transaction has been executed successfully REJECTED 4 The transaction has been rejected
Available streaming commands
Each streaming command takes as an argument
which is sent in response message for login command performed in main connection.streamSessionId
token allows to identify user in streaming connection. In one streaming connection multiple commands with differentstreamSessionId
can be invoked. It will cause sending streaming data for multiple login sessions in one streaming connection.streamSessionId
is valid until logout command is performed on main connection or main connection is disconnected.-
Command: getBalance
Description: Allows to get actual account indicators values in real-time, as soon as they are available in the system.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getBalance", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopBalance" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "balance", "data": STREAMING_BALANCE_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description balance Floating number balance in account currency credit Floating number credit in account currency equity Floating number sum of balance and all profits in account currency margin Floating number margin requirements marginFree Floating number free margin marginLevel Floating number margin level percentage Example:
{ "balance": 995800269.43, "credit": 1000.00, "equity": 995985397.56, "margin": 572634.43, "marginFree": 995227635.00, "marginLevel": 173930.41 }
Command: getCandles
Description: Subscribes for and unsubscribes from API chart candles. The interval of every candle is 1 minute. A new candle arrives every minute.
Subscribe format:
name type description symbol String Symbol Example:
{ "command": "getCandles", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383", "symbol": "EURUSD" }
Unsubscribe format:
name type description symbol String Symbol Example:
{ "command": "stopCandles", "symbol": "EURUSD" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "candle", "data": STREAMING_CANDLE_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description close Floating number Close price in base currency ctm Time Candle start time in CET time zone (Central European Time) ctmString String String representation of the ctm
fieldhigh Floating number Highest value in the given period in base currency low Floating number Lowest value in the given period in base currency open Floating number Open price in base currency quoteId Number Source of price symbol String Symbol vol Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close": 4.1849, "ctm": 1378369375000, "ctmString": "Sep 05, 2013 10:22:55 AM", "high": 4.1854, "low": 4.1848, "open": 4.1848, "quoteId": 2, "symbol": "EURUSD", "vol": 0.0 }
Possible values of
field:name value description fixed 1 fixed float 2 float depth 3 depth cross 4 cross -
Command: getKeepAlive
Description: Subscribes for and unsubscribes from 'keep alive' messages. A new 'keep alive' message is sent by the API every 3 seconds.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getKeepAlive", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopKeepAlive" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "keepAlive", "data": STREAMING_KEEP_ALIVE_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description timestamp Time Current timestamp Example:
{ "timestamp": 1362944112000 }
Command: getNews
Description: Subscribes for and unsubscribes from news.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getNews", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopNews" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "news", "data": STREAMING_NEWS_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description body String Body key String News key time Time Time title String News title Example:
{ "body": "<html>...</html>", "key": "1f6da766abd29927aa854823f0105c23", "time": 1262944112000, "title": "Breaking trend" }
Command: getProfits
Description: Subscribes for and unsubscribes from profits.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getProfits", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopProfits" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "profit", "data": STREAMING_PROFIT_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description order Number Order number order2 Number Transaction ID position Number Position number profit Floating number Profit in account currency Example:
{ "order": 7497776, "order2": 7497777, "position": 7497776, "profit": 7076.52 }
Command: getTickPrices
Description: Establishes subscription for quotations and allows to obtain the relevant information in real-time, as soon as it is available in the system. The
command can be invoked many times for the same symbol, but only one subscription for a given symbol will be created. Please beware that when multiple records are available, the order in which they are received is not guaranteed.Subscribe format:
name type description symbol String Symbol minArrivalTime Number This field is optional and defines the minimal interval in milliseconds between any two consecutive updates. If this field is not present, or it is set to 0 (zero), ticks - if available - are sent to the client with interval equal to 200 milliseconds. In order to obtain ticks as frequently as server allows you, set it to 1 (one). maxLevel Number This field is optional and specifies the maximum level of the quote that the user is interested in. If this field is not specified, the subscription is active for all levels that are managed in the system. Example:
{ "command": "getTickPrices", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383", "symbol": "EURUSD", "minArrivalTime": 5000, "maxLevel": 2 }
Unsubscribe format:
name type description symbol String Symbol Example:
{ "command": "stopTickPrices", "symbol": "EURUSD" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "tickPrices", "data": STREAMING_TICK_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description ask Floating number Ask price in base currency askVolume Number Number of available lots to buy at given price or null if not applicable bid Floating number Bid price in base currency bidVolume Number Number of available lots to buy at given price or null if not applicable high Floating number The highest price of the day in base currency level Number Price level low Floating number The lowest price of the day in base currency quoteId Number Source of price, detailed description below spreadRaw Floating number The difference between raw ask and bid prices spreadTable Floating number Spread representation symbol String Symbol timestamp Time Timestamp Example:
{ "ask": 4000.0, "askVolume": 15000, "bid": 4000.0, "bidVolume": 16000, "high": 4000.0, "level": 0, "low": 3500.0, "quoteId": 0, "spreadRaw": 0.000003, "spreadTable": 0.00042, "symbol": "KOMB.CZ", "timestamp": 1272529161605 }
Possible values of
field:name value description fixed 1 fixed float 2 float depth 3 depth cross 4 cross -
Command: getTrades
Description: Establishes subscription for user trade status data and allows to obtain the relevant information in real-time, as soon as it is available in the system. Please beware that when multiple records are available, the order in which they are received is not guaranteed.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getTrades", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopTrades" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "trade", "data": STREAMING_TRADE_RECORD }
Format of
are sent by streaming socket only in several cases:- - Opening the trade
- - Closing the trade
- - Modification of trade parameters
- - Explicit trade update done by server system to synchronize data.
Situation that trade was closed can be checked by field
format. Alsoclose_time
field will NOT be set to null. Various reasons of trade close could be found out by information incomment
for closed order. If thecomment
remained unchanged from that of opened order, then the order was closed by user. If there is annotation incomment
string like:- - "[S/L]", then the trade was closed by stop loss
- - "[T/P]", then the trade was closed by take profit
- - "[S/O margin level% equity / margin (currency)]", then the trade was closed because of Stop Out (lack of money to maintain position). The example comment: [S/O -1968861.79% -24217.00 / 1.23 (USD)]
The annotation are in brackets (regular or square, depending on situation) with additional data about the closing action.
name type description close_price Floating number Close price in base currency close_time Time Null if order is not closed closed Boolean Closed cmd Number Operation code comment String Comment commission Floating number Commission in account currency, null if not applicable customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. digits Number Number of decimal places expiration Time Null if order is not closed margin_rate Floating number Margin rate offset Number Trailing offset open_price Floating number Open price in base currency open_time Time Open time order Number Order number for opened transaction order2 Number Transaction id position Number Position number (if type is 0 and 2) or transaction parameter (if type is 1) profit Floating number null unless the trade is closed (type=2) or opened (type=0) sl Floating number Zero if stop loss is not set (in base currency) state String Trade state, should be used for detecting pending order's cancellation storage Floating number Storage symbol String Symbol tp Floating number Zero if take profit is not set (in base currency) type Number type volume Floating number Volume in lots Example:
{ "close_price": 1.3256, "close_time": null, "closed": false, "cmd": 0, "comment": "Web Trader", "commission": 0.0, "customComment": "Some text", "digits": 4, "expiration": null, "margin_rate": 3.9149000, "offset": 0, "open_price": 1.4, "open_time": 1272380927000, "order": 7497776, "order2": 1234567, "position": 1234567, "profit": 68.392, "sl": 0.0, "state": "Modified", "storage": -4.46, "symbol": "EURUSD", "tp": 0.0, "type": 0, "volume": 0.10 }
Possible values of
field:name value description BUY 0 buy SELL 1 sell BUY_LIMIT 2 buy limit SELL_LIMIT 3 sell limit BUY_STOP 4 buy stop SELL_STOP 5 sell stop BALANCE 6 Read only. Used in getTradesHistory
for manager's deposit/withdrawal operations (profit>0 for deposit, profit<0 for withdrawal).CREDIT 7 Read only Possible values of
field:name value description MODIFIED "Modified" modified DELETED "Deleted" deleted Possible values of
field:name value description OPEN 0 order open, used for opening orders PENDING 1 order pending, only used in the streaming getTrades
commandCLOSE 2 order close MODIFY 3 order modify, only used in the tradeTransaction
commandDELETE 4 order delete, only used in the tradeTransaction
command -
Command: getTradeStatus
Description: Allows to get status for sent trade requests in real-time, as soon as it is available in the system. Please beware that when multiple records are available, the order in which they are received is not guaranteed.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "getTradeStatus", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Unsubscribe format:
{ "command": "stopTradeStatus" }
Format of data in stream:
{ "command": "tradeStatus", "data": STREAMING_TRADE_STATUS_RECORD }
Format of
:name type description customComment String The value the customer may provide in order to retrieve it later. message String Can be null order Number Unique order number price Floating number Price in base currency requestStatus Number Request status code, described below Example:
{ "customComment": "Some text", "message": null, "order": 43, "price": 1.392, "requestStatus": 3 }
Possible values of
field:name value description ERROR 0 error PENDING 1 pending ACCEPTED 3 The transaction has been executed successfully REJECTED 4 The transaction has been rejected -
Command: ping
Description: Description: Regularly calling this function is enough to refresh the internal state of all the components in the system. Streaming connection, when any command is not sent by client in the session, generates only one way network traffic. It is recommended that any application that does not execute other commands, should call this command at least once every 10 minutes.
Note: There is no response in return to this command.
Subscribe format:
{ "command": "ping", "streamSessionId": "8469308861804289383" }
Error messages
Main reason of generated transaction server error messages is an error in the business logic of the application.
Errors list returned from transaction server:
Error code Error description BE001 Invalid price BE002 Invalid StopLoss or TakeProfit BE003 Invalid volume BE004 Login disabled BE005 userPasswordCheck: Invalid login or password. BE006 Market for instrument is closed BE007 Mismatched parameters BE008 Modification is denied BE009 Not enough money on account to perform trade BE010 Off quotes BE011 Opposite positions prohibited BE012 Short positions prohibited BE013 Price has changed BE014 Request too frequent BE016, BE017 Too many trade requests BE018 Trading on instrument disabled BE019 Trading timeout BE020-BE037, BE099 Other error BE094 Symbol does not exist for given account BE095 Account cannot trade on given symbol BE096 Pending order cannot be closed. Pending order must be deleted BE097 Cannot close already closed order BE098 No such transaction BE101 Unknown instrument symbol BE102 Unknown transaction type BE103 User is not logged BE104 Method does not exist BE105 Incorrect period given BE106 Missing data BE110 Incorrect command format BE115, BE116 Symbol does not exist BE117 Invalid token BE118 User already logged BE200 Session timed out. EX000 Invalid parameters EX001, EX002, SExxx, BE000 Internal error, in case of such error, please contact support EX003 Internal error, request timed out EX004 Login credentials are incorrect or this login is not allowed to use an application with this appId EX005 Internal error, system overloaded EX006 No access EX007 userPasswordCheck: Invalid login or password. This login/password is disabled for 10 minutes (the specific login and password pair is blocked after an unsuccessful login attempt). EX008 You have reached the connection limit. For details see the Connection validation section. EX009 Data limit potentially exceeded. Please narrow your request range. The potential data size is calculated by: (end_time - start_time) / interval. The limit is 50 000 candles EX010 Your login is on the black list, perhaps due to previous misuse. For details please contact support. EX011 You are not allowed to execute this command. For details please contact support.